Wednesday 15 December 2010

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?

I believe my main product and the ancillary text is very effective. my target audience is a 15+ film. To find out more about my target audience i designed a questionnaire to ask my audience and to find out what they were into.
After analysing the results I came up with a profile for my target audience.

I used many promotional tools to promote my trailer, if you look at the video above you will see examples. i think my trailer was very effective in creating a sense of mystery, the 90 second trailer try's to draw the audience to come and watch the film. They way I do this is by trying to keep the killer a mystery and so the audience will eager to find out who she is.
For the poster, I tried to follow and use established horror genre films as a base to my design. The reason for this is beacuse there are all successful films and following simialar th their campaign caould be positive for my campaign and make it successful.

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