Wednesday 15 December 2010

In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

View more presentations from sayemk.
What this presentation shows me is that I have followed the convention of the horror genre closely to make my product look as professional as possible. I have identified all the convention of the horror genre by repeatably looking at horror trailers ( and researching into them and thus it makes it clear to my audience that this is a horror genre film. I have also tried to challenge the convention of horror genre whenever I could (see slide 2 and 8). The reason for this is because it will in thus make the film more or less predictable and this is a good technique to surprise the audience. For example, if you look in the presentation I have challenged the convention of "good against evil".
When designing the the film poster and magazine cover, I have tried to keep it as professional as possible by using already successful magazine and covers as a base to my own product( see slides 5 and 7). I have followed the recognizable convention such as keep the killer a mystery (see presentation slides 5 and 6).

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