Tuesday 2 November 2010

Target audience

  • · 15+
  • · Male and female
  • · Interested in horror genre
  • · Interested in technology , social networks
  • · Allowance of more than £10 + a week
  • · May have a part – time job or volunteer

Charlie is 16; he lives in the city with his mum and dad in a two bedroom house. His mum doesn’t work, while his dad is a cab driver. In his free time, Charlie likes going out with his friends to the cinema on a weekly basis and spends around £5.60. He has his own laptop at home which he uses to keep up to date with his social life and what’s happening around him.

Here is the results of our questionnaires


Most of the people who answered these questionnaires where our target audience. This gave us boost in what was required in are horror trailer to make it successful. We took into consideration, the likes and the dislikes were in current horror films from our target audience and we will try to implement them in our trailer.

In considering the location of the film we asked what our target audience what location appealed to them when watching a horror film. We considered five location haunted house, mansion, school, forest, a house. From our results the most popular location was the forest, and when asking the audience what appealed the most in the horror film they said the location. So we took this very seriously in planning our trailer. We decided that one of the locations must be the forest. Also, many complained that horror films are just not real enough these days and so we have tried to keep the trailer as real as possible by using minimum effects. In addition, we decided to use a mixture of fast and slow pace shots in the trailer as this was what our audience suggested makes trailers more effective than others. Reflecting on the results from the questionnaires we will closely follow what the opinions of our target audience is because they have said that what attracts them to go and watch a film is mainly the trailer and so we must make them trailer as effective as possible in attracting out audience.

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