Monday 29 November 2010

Shot list

while we was creating the storyboard, we started to create a shot list of every shot in the trailer. This would then help us to have an idea of how the shot may look like before we start shooting. In each scene we describe what was going to happen ansd what type of shot we would use.


Here is an anamatic of the storyboard. we went through each scene and described what shots we used in the scence.


After our initial research, we then started to create our synopsis. 'The synopsis gives the audience quick summary about the film but doesn't reveal or give away anything.

Lucy Bower is a young innocent girl on her autumn holiday from school and is enjoying herself however every evening when the sun sets her body is taken over by an evil spirit; no one understood what it was. Her father has had enough of people talking behind his back about his daughters. One night her Father comes home from work drunk, he beings to torment her and accusing her of being evil and ends up killing her. After realising what he has done he drags the body of his daughter in to Blackwood Forest and she is never seen again. She was once an innocent little girl who was murder by her father. Her life turned upside down with abuse and pain and eventually death. However this is not the end of Lucy Bower.
Year’s later locals began to hear child-like laughter coming from the forest. People where being drawn in to the forest by the sweet childish laughter thinking a child is lost and needs help. Little did they know that the spirit of Lucy dwelt in Blackwood and swore revenge on anyone who entered Blackwood Forest where she lays? Resident’s notices that many people from the community have gone missing, locals state they last saw them last entering Blackwood Forest. Search parties where sent out to find them.

Tally marks made out from blood marks where the only thing that’s left on the tree to give the people any clues to what is happening. Blackwood Forest was abandoned by the local government and no one entered it again.
This is a story of how a little girl gets her revenge and takes out her anger on her community. You might have thought Lucy Bower was a goner, well you better think again.

Group research

To create are story board and the synopsis we needed to get more in depth research of what successful horror film implemented. We thus gave each member of the group one research task to enhance our knowledge. This will then help us to create a suitable storyboard and synopsis for our horror trailer.



props and costumes:

creating the poster

I was in charge of planning and creating the poster. In my initial research into poster, I adopted a similar style poster to the poster of The Last Exorcism.

I decided to use this as a basis because this film was a successful horror film when released. I thought that if I followed a similar style to the poster we might have similar type of response as the 'The Last Exorcism" poster creates a sense of mystery. I placed the antagonist in the middle of the poster, the reason for this is because, it would draw people into wondering why a young girl is the main character or the main attraction, it will then gain interest and sense of enigma. People would want to come and see the film into because there is no way in which the poster gives out any information about what the film is about.

Questionnaires results

This helped us to further our research. The results helped us to decide on how to make our trailer more effective and appealing to the audience.

Monday 15 November 2010

Sunday 14 November 2010


We started filming on the 10th of November at the first location which was the house. We waited till the day got dark so when recording it would create a atmosphere. For example because it is dark it will put a mood of evilness in the audience and a sense of mystery. For the house location we used one of our team member house (Micheal). This was a perfect location as it matched with our synopsis, and the mise en scene went with our trailer. We also had to make sure the recording was not delayed due to the cold weather. On the 12th November we filmed are second section of the trailer, this was at the second location in the forest. All our actor met up at a time we set and made our way to the location. We had some problems in getting our props and thus tried to adjust to the props we had.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Risk Assesment

Before we go to our location to shoot are trailer we have to take into account any risk that can happen during the shoot on our actors and anyone involved in the shooting.
we have took our time visiting the location and found the following risk and any possible solution to these

Sunday 7 November 2010

Health and safety

we had to do health and safety check so that there would be no chance of anything dangerous happening or anything illegal. We allowed Alex ( group member) to do this task.

Tuesday 2 November 2010


we came up with a questionnaire to find out more about our target audience.

Target audience

  • · 15+
  • · Male and female
  • · Interested in horror genre
  • · Interested in technology , social networks
  • · Allowance of more than £10 + a week
  • · May have a part – time job or volunteer

Charlie is 16; he lives in the city with his mum and dad in a two bedroom house. His mum doesn’t work, while his dad is a cab driver. In his free time, Charlie likes going out with his friends to the cinema on a weekly basis and spends around £5.60. He has his own laptop at home which he uses to keep up to date with his social life and what’s happening around him.

Here is the results of our questionnaires

Most of the people who answered these questionnaires where our target audience. This gave us boost in what was required in are horror trailer to make it successful. We took into consideration, the likes and the dislikes were in current horror films from our target audience and we will try to implement them in our trailer.

In considering the location of the film we asked what our target audience what location appealed to them when watching a horror film. We considered five location haunted house, mansion, school, forest, a house. From our results the most popular location was the forest, and when asking the audience what appealed the most in the horror film they said the location. So we took this very seriously in planning our trailer. We decided that one of the locations must be the forest. Also, many complained that horror films are just not real enough these days and so we have tried to keep the trailer as real as possible by using minimum effects. In addition, we decided to use a mixture of fast and slow pace shots in the trailer as this was what our audience suggested makes trailers more effective than others. Reflecting on the results from the questionnaires we will closely follow what the opinions of our target audience is because they have said that what attracts them to go and watch a film is mainly the trailer and so we must make them trailer as effective as possible in attracting out audience.

Reschedule/change of location

We had decided a day and time for shooting our trailer but we came across a big problem. The location we initially wanted to shoot was occupied and we weren’t granted access to us. We had to be calm and organized, after lengthy discussion with each other; we tried to find a location which was the most similar to the initial location. After visiting the forest in Woodford we decided that our new location to shoot will be Woodford. The reason for this is it met the same requirement to our first location. We have now created a new shooting schedule for this day.