Thursday 14 October 2010

Research into synopsis

A synopsis is basically a summary of what happens in the film. In today’s lesson I researched into variety of synopsis from different horror film. During this research I looked closely in what was required in a synopsis. This would then help me when creating my own synopsis for my film. Looking into all these synopsis I started to realise a similarity in all of them. All followed a similar convention of having a protagonist and an antagonist and playing with the audience expectations. Its as if the synopsis gives a glimpse of what will happen in the film without revealing too much a ruining the film for the audience. I also reliased that all the horror genre have sub genres attached to them such as supernatural, thriller etc. this task helped a lot into understand what a synopsis is designed for. It has made it easier for me to create a synopsis when its time to make one for my film. Furthermore, I realised that synopsis all contain the protagonist, antagonist stock characters and i have highlighted them in one of the synopsis I analysed.

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