Friday 22 October 2010

Shooting schedule

Monday 25th October 2010 -
we plan to organise all the actors and set a date where we will all meet up at the location we set to record.

Tuesday 26th October 2010-
we arrange all the props and costumes to be used.

Wednesday 27th October 2010-
we plan to record on this day. we will meet at the location at 12:45 and we will start shooting from then.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Deciding the title

After the initial research on film titles we as a group came up with a title that would not give away what the film is about, however give a little information of where it may be located. We first came out with a title called Blackstone manor but then change our mind as the building we will use was with red bricks and thus we change the name to Redstone manor. After deciding the title we looked into more details of the location and thought it would be difficult for us to record at the site and thus we changed our location to a forest and came up with the title Blackwood Forest. This title doesn't really tell the audience about what the film is about but just the location of the film and so this our suitable title for our horror Film.

Monday 18 October 2010


Props are items which are used in a scene. Props are usually related to the genre the items some times define the genre. I researched into the types of props used in horror genre and an example of Friday the 13th. The props used in this film are the mask and the machete. We continuously see these props through out the film.

Another horror film I looked into is Taxas Masacare. Here we see similar props e.g. the mask and the chainsaw. As you can see this film follows a similar type of props and also mise en scene. As you see both film use a big bulky male as its antagonist, this is commonly used in horror films as they seem powerful and more scary than having a small skinny male in contrast.

I have chosen to research the ring because unlike other horror films they decide to use a girl as the antagonist. It seems that the girl is innocent and you wouldn’t expect a girl to be the main killer in a film but this film shows you can challenge conventions and thus we have also decided to challenge these conventions by using a female in our trailer. The main prop in this film is the video tape. The film is revolved around it. So for our trailer we will try to find a prop which will signify the genre.

By analyzing a costume you can find out what a character are like. From the two films above, Friday the 13th and Texas massacre, both characters are wearing dark rigid clothes. This could represent there personality. For example both characters wear dark clothes representing evil and by looking at dirt and scruffiness of there clothes you can these are dangerous people. However, in the film the ring, the girl is wearing a nice white dress; this normally would represent an innocent girl. But here conventions are challenged. First of all the antagonist is a female which is not common and secondly she is not represented in an evil way. This encourages us when making our own trailer that we can challenge these conventions and not to be afraid to express our ideas.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Film poster analysis

Recognising Genre

In this lesson our class look into different films of different genres. I found that it easy to recognize what type of genre a film is by analyzing the mise en scene or the setting. This is because us as audience have realized that each of the genre have recognizable conventions which have been repeated for a long time to make them establish themselves as that type of a genre.

Research into synopsis

A synopsis is basically a summary of what happens in the film. In today’s lesson I researched into variety of synopsis from different horror film. During this research I looked closely in what was required in a synopsis. This would then help me when creating my own synopsis for my film. Looking into all these synopsis I started to realise a similarity in all of them. All followed a similar convention of having a protagonist and an antagonist and playing with the audience expectations. Its as if the synopsis gives a glimpse of what will happen in the film without revealing too much a ruining the film for the audience. I also reliased that all the horror genre have sub genres attached to them such as supernatural, thriller etc. this task helped a lot into understand what a synopsis is designed for. It has made it easier for me to create a synopsis when its time to make one for my film. Furthermore, I realised that synopsis all contain the protagonist, antagonist stock characters and i have highlighted them in one of the synopsis I analysed.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

what have i learn't from deconstructing film titles

What I have learn' t from deconstructing the film titles is that none of the films titles give away any idea about what the film may be about. “Case 39”,”Due Date”, “Let Me In”, none of these title give us any hint, this is very effective in drawing audience to come watch the film. The audiences are more willing to watch a film if they want to know happens in the film. The title does help create this effect. However, there are ways to make it recognisable what type of genre it may come from. For example, the title of “Case 39”. Its has a black background while the title is glowing in the dark, like a ghostly feel. This gives us a clue about what the genre could be but no other clue is given of what the film might be about.