Thursday 16 September 2010

Preliminary Task

For my preliminary task, I was given a task to create a short scene of the meeting, this was mainly for us to recording and have practice before our main task

Firstly we created a time line and sketched out what the scenes would look like and what the characters would do, this help us to arrange and give structure to our scene :

After, we was given a camcorder by are teacher and was told to go and record the scene. and here it is:

Editing a shot types

The establishing Shot

This is an establishing shot so the audience know where it is set

Cut on motion

We used this type of editing to make the cut look unnoticeable to the audience

another example is this :

The ball leaves from the right but enters from the left on the next shot. We used this to distract the audience from noticing the cut.

Feedback lesson.

This was a very helpful lesson, it allowed us to gain more idea on how to make our video to look more professional. This lesson was very effective and we learn' t a lot on how to improve our video which will definitely help us in the future when shooting our horror trailer. We took down notes on what we could improve in our video and new techniques we could use.

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