Friday 17 September 2010

Deconstuction of film titles

  • Mystery
  • solving problems
  • crime
  • law
  • ghost like
Denotation :
  • The writing is white with black background
  • past - old style font
  • horror/thriller

Connotation :
  • Anticipation,
  • something is coming
  • worried, your going to be ready
  • Clear
  • Bold
  • In you face

  • Horror
  • sounds creepy as if someone wants to come to your house
  • The use of grey, gloomy
  • Red in the middle may mean blood is involved
  • Clear, simple to read
  • font, style don't tell much

Thursday 16 September 2010

Preliminary Task

For my preliminary task, I was given a task to create a short scene of the meeting, this was mainly for us to recording and have practice before our main task

Firstly we created a time line and sketched out what the scenes would look like and what the characters would do, this help us to arrange and give structure to our scene :

After, we was given a camcorder by are teacher and was told to go and record the scene. and here it is:

Editing a shot types

The establishing Shot

This is an establishing shot so the audience know where it is set

Cut on motion

We used this type of editing to make the cut look unnoticeable to the audience

another example is this :

The ball leaves from the right but enters from the left on the next shot. We used this to distract the audience from noticing the cut.

Feedback lesson.

This was a very helpful lesson, it allowed us to gain more idea on how to make our video to look more professional. This lesson was very effective and we learn' t a lot on how to improve our video which will definitely help us in the future when shooting our horror trailer. We took down notes on what we could improve in our video and new techniques we could use.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Analysing a trailer

Wolfman is the trailer I have chosen to analyse.

We are told the name of the film at the end of the trailer, I have realized that most horror films have the name of the film at the end of the trailer this may be because the director wants people to get attracted to the film first and then show the name at the end so that the audience remembers the name of the film because the audience may forget the name of the film while watching the scenes.

we are told who are starring in the film because audience some time only watch the film if there favorite actor is acting or the actor is famous of staring in successful films. The information is given to us at the end of the clip. The color of the text goes with the theme of the trailer. Furthermore the names are given so that the audience remembers who are starring in the film

In this trailer, we see a lot of action such as blood, violence, killing. we see stuff which are not possible in reality such as man turning into a wolf when the full moon comes up.
At the beginning of the trailer, it starts with music which is slow as if there's a mystery or something that we don't know, as the trailer gradually goes on it comes to the point where the pace of the music increases which tells us the that something is coming but we don't know what, eventually the music is at its power-fullest, where the sound is at its highest which helps it to make the scene and the trailer more dramatic, at this point, the trailer is showing all the action with the fast flowing music in the background.

We can say that the voice over is very effective in this trailer. They use an old man's voice in the trailer, this maybe used to tell us that the film is set in the past. also the voice is very effective in telling us the story, this is because we tend to listen to what older people say as they are experienced and thus we listen to him as if we are listening to some telling us a story.

The speed of a trailer is much faster then then a clip from the film. This because trailers tend to have rapid shots of the best bits of different scene of the film put a quick one or two minute sequence thus they need to include all the interesting part to attract the audience.

At the last part of the trailer we are given the information of the producer, director etc of the film. The release date is the last scene we see at the end of the trailer. This is because they want the audience to be drawn into the film before they tell them when the film is released, also by putting the release date at the end insures that the audience remember the release date.

The trailer is more effective in making you want to watch the film. This is because the trailer gives you an insight of what the film is about, it gives u live scenes of the film where as, in a poster you have to assume what the film is about by looking at the the tittle of the film and the picture on the poster.

we would expect to see the trailer before film which are in similar genre. The reason being that the audience who are watching the film would be interested in another film with the same genre. However putting this trailer before a children s film will be inappropriate, as this will not be a film suitable for young children and furthermore this will be wrong target audience


After we completed our spider diagram, we split ourselves and assigned ourselves a piece of research which is needed to enhance our knowledge and help us with our campaign. When we did our planing we became aware that we should concentrate on the genre horror and not get sidetracked to another genre such as thriller, so I assigned myself the task to find out what the difference between a horror film is and a thriller is. by doing this we will be more sure of keeping to our genre and thus not loosing marks.


In are class in our groups we did a spider diagram to show our concepts and idea about our film campaign, like a first time plan which may change in the course of planing the campaign.

Prezi ................. >>

Wednesday 8 September 2010

We have been put in a group of three and been set a task for a film campaign. My group is made up of myself, Alex and Micheal. We picked are groups based on skills which suit our needs in making the campaign, skills such as ICT skills, creative skills, writing skills and experiencing in filming. We have been set a deadline for this coursework to be submitted by 1st December 2010. To fulfill this campaign to our best of abilities we decided to give someone the responsibility to organize what we do and reach deadlines when set. In this campaign we will be creating a film trailer, poster and a magazine cover.

The url link for their blog is:
micheal :